Are you ready to feel empowered?

Do you find yourself looking at photos of beautiful woman and saying “I wish I looked that good”? Well girl … YOU DO!

The beauty of Boudoir is that we get to celebrate who you are, right now. You will learn to love the skin you’re in and see yourself, and your body, from a different point of view. Boudoir is absolutely a very vulnerable experience but it’s such a confidence booster. So if you find yourself needing that … lets do this! Lets celebrate your curves, your stretch marks, your wrinkles and your scars. I don’t spend hours photoshopping those out, or smoothing out your skin beyond recognition, because I think your imperfections tell a beautiful story of what you’ve been through and I want you to feel that way too. After all … what good am I doing you if I send you a gallery of photos that looks absolutely nothing like you? That does nothing at all for your confidence or self esteem. And when you see your photos, I want you to say “wait .. I really look like that?!” These sessions, for me, are SO much more than just sexy lingerie. It’s a transformation. An experience. And for some … a journey to self love. Break free from those chains, Queen. You are sexy. You are fierce. You are fire. And you deserve to love yourself. You don't even need lingerie to have fire boudie photos. Throw on a pair of denim jeans and a simple or sexy bra. Or wear nothing at all! The choice is yours. I know some of you reading this think you’re just doing this for that special person in your life, but what you don’t realize right now is how empowered you’re going to feel. This should be just as much for you as it is for anyone else, if not more. Now my only question is … what are you waiting for?!

I really wanted to put myself on the other side of the camera for this type of photoshoot, to get a sense for what my clients may be feeling during these sessions. I felt like I could serve you better if I understood what that felt like. And I’ll admit that there are definitely some moments of insecurity at first. At least I know there was for me, as I’m not typically someone who is confident at all in lingerie or with my body since becoming a mom. As the session goes on, you truly do grow more and more comfortable and by the end it feels like such a rush of adrenaline and boosted self esteem. My husband will vouch for me and tell you that it genuinely made me feel MUCH more confident to see myself from a different point of view than just what I see when I look in the mirror. I’ve grown more confident in who I am and the days of hiding myself under the covers during romantic times are in the past. I didn’t want to be a hypocrite and encourage my clients to book with me, without ever experiencing this type of session myself. So below, you can see some of my own boudie photos too.. And I hope it gives you that little extra sense of comfortability that you might need to come hang with me and get in front of my camera. It’s a judgment free zone when you walk through my door! Promise.

Enjoy a small sample of my work below